Petersville Road

Starting at Trappers Creek, Alaska, Petersville Road is paved for about the first 12 miles. The next 30 some miles are excellent gravel roadbed. The area through the mountain pass is one lane and rocky followed by some good gravel two-lane road.

From Parks Highway to Cache Creek

Covers the road from the Parks Highway to Chache Creek. Petersville Parking Lot marks where the road closes for the winter (30:00). Forks Roadhouse and Martin Creek side road are at about 45:00. Petersville's first building appears at 1:23. The mountain pass and the one-way portion of the road starts about 1:30. Cache Creek (1:58) appeared too wide and treacherous for my small car to cross.

Cache Creek to Forks Roadhouse

Return from Cache Creek to Forks Roadhouse. The mountain pass starts about 26:00. Petersville appears about 38:00.

Forks Roadhouse to Martin Creek and Return

The Martin Creek Bridge leads to private property. Gold mining tours were gold panning in the stream at the side of the bridge.

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